I Totally LOVE That I HATE You So
What did you say?
Boy I can't heare you
The music is to loud
Can't hear my mind
Can't hear my heart
It's just here and now
Just living my life
Care to join?
Better if you don't
Just let me live my life
With or without you
I don't give a shit
Not here
Not now
Just let the music play
Fill my heart
Fill my mind
Fill my soul
Just let me live my life
Well boy, I already know the rules of this game,
I know every inch and every step of the way,
So show me something new,
Show me how it really is supposed to be,
All this "love" but still so much shit,
So beat it!
Just leave
Take yourself out the same way you came in
Far away from me
Far away from my heart, mind and soul
You say to the media you are going to church,
But we both know you are going to fuck your girl,
Haha, you are JOKE OF THE YEAR!
Your are so pathetic my dear
But hey, I still love you,
And hey, I still miss you,
But not as much like yesterday,
Cuz now I love you a little bit less then before..
sv: Nästa gång tar vi hem det hörru! Och jag tackar också tv4sport. Tycker dock att dom kunde zoomat in mika liiiiite mer.. haha ;)
Jodå, har slitit så hårt denna veckan att jag bannemig var värd det! Fast som vanligt tappar man suget efter 5 minuter ändå, haha.
Jo tack, provet gick helt okej tror jag! :)
sv: Haha! Ja ikväll tar vi hem segern!
Ohja, kärlek som bara den :)
sv: OHJAA!
sv: Taaack! Well, vilket menar du? headern eller designen? I can help you if you want to :)
sv: Hihih!
Ja men självklart kan jag göra det vettu :)